At HOUSE Building & Pest Inspections we provide a large range of Building Inspection Services and use Advanced Reporting software , quality tools and Technology to complete a thorough Report the same day.
184 George Street | Hurstville 2220 NSW

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Mon – Fri 08:00 – 20:00 / Closed on Weekends

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House BPI > Blog

How To Prepare Your Home For Sale

Visit other properties at open homes; see how they look, what properties stand out more than others and why. Instant improvements can help a sale; a nice fresh coat of paint on your front fence or the front door, some new plants along the front...

Property Tax Depreciation

If you own an Investment Property, you are eligible Under Division 40 & 43 of the Income Tax Assessment Act to claim depreciation on all Items of Plant contained within the property and secondly, if constructed after 1985, an allowance of either 2.5% or 4%...


Types & Examples Of Cracking Defects

Cracking in a building element may constitute a defect in a variety of ways. In many cases a particular cracking occurrence may result in more than one type of defect, a serviceability defect and an appearance defect....


Asbestos In Your Home

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral found in the surface of the earth. It contains strong fibres that have excellent durability, fire resistance and insulating properties....

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