First Impressions Are Crucial
We hope this checklist will help you maximise the sale price of your home and help you achieve the best possible price.
Make sure that the outside of your house is looking as good as it can be. If any work needs doing, attend to it before you put your house on the market.
We recommend that you go and stand outside your property and have a good look and see your property from a buyer’s point of view.
Visit other properties at open homes; see how they look, what properties stand out more than others and why. Instant improvements can help a sale; a nice fresh coat of paint on your front fence or the front door, some new plants along the front path can really make an impact.
On The Outside
• Get your Pre-Sale inspection completed by HOUSE Building and Pest Inspections
• Having a well maintained garden, lawns and neatly trimmed shrubs and edges is a welcoming sight
• Thoroughly clean your paths, driveway, even the house, a pressure cleaner is often easiest
• Wash the gutters, eaves and cladding to get rid of the cobwebs
• Check if the roofing needs a clean also
• Clean all the windows inside and outside
• Repair and straighten all the gates, fences and clothes line
• Clean out the garden shed and garage
• Put the garbage bins well out of sight
• Clean up any pet toys and droppings
• Clear the yards of clutter to give the impression of spaciousness.
• Give the front fence and the front door a fresh coat of paint
• Make sure the door bell is working and shine the door knocker
• Get the washing off the line

On The Inside
• Clean everything, carpets, walls, blinds even the furniture. Make your home sparkle.
• Clean and tidy every room, every cupboard every wardrobe.
• Eliminate clutter and excess furniture from every room to give the impression of space.
• Remove posters, stickers, photos and most paintings, we need to create the felling of spaciousness in each room.
• Repair all door handles, latches and catches, Oil the squeaky hinges.
• Repair and paint all plaster cracking, dings and dents.
• Repair any cracked or broken glass.
• Repair any damaged doors and fly screens.
• Clean the wood heater and fire place, have it set ready to light.
• Clean all the lamps and light shades, and ensure all lights are working.
• Open all the blinds and tie back the curtains evenly to let the sun shine in.
• Open the windows to let the fresh air flow through your home
• Keep the window tracks and frames clean.
• Remember a warm home is always welcoming.
• Always have fresh flowers.
• Repair any leaking taps and clean all the tiles so they shine.
• Your stove, oven, cook top, grill, microwave, dishwasher and fridge must sparkle.
• Your bathroom, toilet and laundry must be shinning.
• Keep washing out of sight, mats clean and straight, towels etc folded neatly.